terrible quality photobooth image of a paper painting thinger i put together today.
unable to paint at home, i have been experimenting with cutting shapes out of paper, sometimes testing the old third dimension.
this is something i've been heading towards for a while, but have never done so without using paint in some capacity. i like the speed at which things can come together, but the spacial navigation is much different than painting and is sometimes limiting. i would like to pursue this type of work much further, but hope to find a way to achieve the unpredictability that so easily comes with painting (which is usually what creates much of my space).
i do still want to explore the third dimension, but i also want to work towards not feeling compelled to mount it to a canvas or a rectangular surface. i've been doing sketches of things that would end up being shaped canvases, which is maybe the answer.
the most frustrating part is the paper not ever being the right color. sometimes close, but never exact.
although it pushes me to try new combinations, i'd rather have total control. for now, i have whatever is leftover in the cupboard. i tried making color swatches earlier in the week for this purpose but i cannot stand the way acrylic paints look!
there are so many kitties here.