Saturday, December 6, 2008

dot compositions

today at WORK i was really frustrated that i had to be there and couldn't be making things in my studio. the only materials on hand were these labeling dots. but the small ones were transparent! they were so cool! so i made some compositions and it was fun and the most low pressure thing i have ever done IN MY ENTIRE LIFE. dots do it again!!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

here is a very shitty image of today's inspiration for a landscape sketch - my outfit OMG!!!!!!!!!
sketch to come later. 

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

ummmm. here is a preliminary sketch i did in a few hours for this whole landscape out of clothing thing. 
obviously it needs to be less clothes more landscape and nothing like this at all, but i had to start somewhere. still wish the senior studios had ventilation. fucking turpentine.

edit: seeing the painting on top of the original photograph is kind of embarrassing. i hope no one thinks i was trying to replicate it closely in any way! if so, you might think i am dumb. 


i'm going to do some landscape paintings now i think.
going to use images from the things i see that i think would make a good reference for a landscape but aren't land.

idea #1: clothing
the idea is more color and shape interpretation that lends itself to imaginary places rather than replication of the image. the images will serve merely as a reference or a way to organize color, mostly just to have SOME kind of starting point.
i have been into the idea of creating images of landscapes out of objects for a while so i am excited to finally do it.


ideas for some kind of installation/mural/i don't know what they are even. SHITTY SKETCHES they are shitty sketches.